David 24th May 2022

Dear Sandra and family - I was deeply saddened to read today that Mike had died. I first got to know Mike as an advocate in the early 1980s and was always impressed by his commitment to justice and also his gentle humour. He always stood for the right things and when he was elevated to the High Court it gave many of us profound hope. Mike's resignation following Patrick Chinamasa's assault on the Judiciary in 2001 was a blow; quite frankly the Zimbabwean judiciary has never been the same since the likes of Mike, Dumbutshena, Gubbay and McNally left office. But our memory of Mike and his high judicial standards will continue to inspire us and set a benchmark for what we have to get back to if Zimbabwe is truly to respect the rule of law and become great again. Thank you Sandra as well for your lovely biography which gave me such a wonderful insight into Mike's final days. He will be sorely missed by us all. I hope that the happy memories you have of your life with him will sustain you during this sad time. God bless you all, David Coltart